8 Ways Boost Your Self-Confiedence

Self-esteem states to the emotional valuation that we conduct on ourselves. In normal words, it is the pool of thoughts, feelings, and opinions that we have about ourselves that creates our self-worth. On the other hand, Self-confidence also deals with the faith that we have in our abilities and judgments. It is something that sometimes also depends on a situation, for example, an individual may feel confident in one situation, but lack the same when giving them a different situation. It is completely possible for us to meet a person with high self-esteem yet low confidence, but a person with high self-confidence is mostly seen to have a healthy level of self-esteem.

Let us understand the ways that can enhance self-confidence, because if we increase it, then our self-esteem will automatically enhance.

Take accountability

The first thing one must accept is the fact that none but we are responsible for our actions. By realising this truth as a person we will be able to gather the willpower to work towards building up our confidence and self-belief levels.

Recognize your capabilities or potentials

Self-awareness is an important aspect of self-confidence. When we know our capabilities and setbacks, it becomes easy for us to make our targets and achieve them accordingly.

Perks and Goals

The next step after identifying your key strengths is goal setting. To reach maximum outcomes, one should set SMART (stands for - Specific, Measurable, Apt, Realistic, and Time-based) goals for themselves. Once you achieve it, make it a point to reward yourself for it.

Accept setbacks and respond to criticism

A crucial part of building on self-confidence is to accept your limitations. As humans, we all make mistakes; though, there is no point in dwelling on your mistakes. Be welcoming and receptive towards feedback from people around you as it is a common characteristic of successful people.

Positive Self-talk

Spare just 2-3 minutes every morning to look at yourself in the mirror and mention all the good things about you loudly. At first it may feel awkward, but over time you will realize the advantages of doing.

Pursue Your hobby

When you engage in any activity that you enjoy, it automatically promotes a good state of mind, which in turn boosts our self-esteem and self-confidence.


The reasons why mental health experts always tell you to exercise because exercising has both psychological as well as physical health benefits. Exercising releases endorphins – a ‘feel good’ hormone that regulates our mood as well as battles pain and depression.

Be social

When someone socialises, an exchange of information takes place in the form of thoughts, beliefs and feelings. Sharing your feelings is a big step towards taking care of yourself and to increase your self-confidence. Engage in positive and meaningful conversations to help strengthen happy thoughts in your mind, which in turn contributes towards your healthy levels of self-esteem and confidence.


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