Depression in Men - What You Need To Know!

 Depression in men is not something that is commonly accepted because expressing emotions is considered a sign of weakness in many cultures and especially unusual if it is for a man expressing it. It is quite sad to know that because of this many men over the years have suffered suppressing or denying their negative emotions and this has been normalized for them.


Lots of us must have heard lines like 'boys don’t cry from the parents which shows that it has been taught to boys and men since childhood that crying is a sign of weakness and they are not supposed to look weak or vulnerable. Expressing emotions or even feeling something deeply for men is not considered normal. Boy don't cry or Men don't cry - these statements are completely flawed and if anybody uses them, it should be immediately asked to countermand this statement.


Having feelings, sentiments and emotions and expressing them is something that makes us human. Without these sentiments, we will be like robots. So, it is not okay for one gender to experience and express them, whereas others are discouraged to do it. To accept our feelings that we are hurt and sad is a sign of courage, not weakness.

Depression is a serious mental disorder that can lead to irreversible actions and terrible consequences, thus, it's important to take it seriously especially, in men. Depression in men may not be directly visible thus you need to notice any signs and symptoms mentioned below -

  • Experiencing fatigue with no apparent reason 
  • Social isolation
  • Numbness or excessive crying, restlessness 
  • Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, and helplessness 
  • Thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts
  • Sleep and appetite issues
  • Feeling empty, sad or flat

Depression in men can also be seen in the form of anger, hostility, abusive behaviour, aggression, risk-taking, substance use, and escaping behavior apart from the above mentioned typical symptoms of depression.

Once you notice any symptoms mentioned above, you need to convince the person to consult a mental health professional for their own good. Counselling for depression along with the medication can help cure the depression. Medication is one way, but therapy and counselling help create an awareness in the person about their symptoms and to fight them on their own for a long time. Online Counselling should be encouraged, especially for men if they are not comfortable in visiting a therapist personally. 

We all are humans and sometimes things get a bit too hard to bear and seeking depression counselling is important to overcome this condition.


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